Yesterday marked the last day of President Trump's administration. No matter what your personal feelings are about President Trump, it’s reasonable to say that he has done more for the American people than any other president in decades.
If you are someone that is constantly plugged in to the mainstream media, it’s possible that you may have missed many of the amazing accomplishments attributed to Trump's time in the White House.
Since the MSM has been trying to destroy President Trump's image for four years, I will provide you with a list of President Trump's greatest accomplishments. At the end, I will also provide sources where you can research further on all his achievements.
• Since the 2016 election, more than 7.3 million jobs were created.
• Record low unemployment rates (especially for minorities and women):
â—¦ Women 3.2% (lowest since 1953)
â—¦ Hispanic Americans 4.2%
â—¦ Asian Americans 2.5%
â—¦ African Americans 5.9%
â—¦ Overall unemployment rate 3.5% (a 50-year low)
• More than seven million people have come off food stamps.
• Tax Cuts & Job Act is the first major tax reform in 30 years.
â—¦ As a result, 9,000 opportunity zones serving underprivileged communities were created in all 50 states.
â—¦ Increased Child Tax Credit by 100%, keeping more money in the pockets of hard-working mothers.
• Economic Recovery After Covid-19 Shutdowns
â—¦ May - 2.5 million jobs added
â—¦ June - 4.8 million jobs added
â—¦ July - 1.8 million jobs added
â—¦ August - 1.5 million jobs added
â—¦ September - 661,000 jobs added
• More Americans were employed under President Trump than ever recorded in U.S. history.
• Poverty rate fell to a 17-year low of 11.8%
• First president to attend March For Life.
• Confirmed three Justice to the Supreme Court and has appointed more than 200 pro-life judges across the country.
• Took Planned Parenthood out of Title X Family Planning funding and defunded Planned Parenthood by billions of dollars.
• Implemented Protect Life Rule that allows states to defund any facility that performs abortions or refers clients to abortion clinics.
• Reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy, which ensures that our tax dollars are protected from funding the abortion industry overseas and across all global health spending.
• Stopped funding the pro-abortion United Nations Population Fund.
• Created a new office in the federal government for Conscience and Religious Freedom to help individuals who are being forced to participate in abortion.
• President Trump ended the Obama-era assault on religious freedom of employers who do not want to cover abortion-inducing drugs in the health insurance plans they offer their employees.
• Pushed hard for the Senate to pass pro-life legislation like Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and to fully defund Planned Parenthood. President Trump promised to sign both.
• Signed executive order protecting vulnerable newborn and infant children, which ensures that all newborns, no matter the circumstance of birth (including babies who survive abortions), have the right to all the medical care they need. This executive order also increased funding for neonatal research.
• Ordered a halt to all U.S. tax dollars from going to international organizations that fund or perform abortions
• Over 275 miles of wall already built and on pace to build 500 miles by next year.
• Reduced illegal border crossings by 78% since May 2019.
• Ended Catch-and-Release.
• Seized a record amount of drugs and deported a record number of gang members.
• In 2019, ICE arrested about 143,000 illegal immigrants and removed more than 267,000 illegal immigrants.
• 91% of illegal immigrants arrested by ICE in the interior had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges.
• In 2018, ICE and HSI made about 1,588 human trafficking arrests and identified 308 victims.
• U.S. successfully defeated ISIS.
• Under President Trump, top terrorist leaders Abu Bark al-Baghadadi as well as Qassem Soleimani were taken out.
• President Trump fulfilled his promise to name Jerusalem Israel's capital city and moved the U.S. embassy there.
• President Trump withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal and instituted the toughest sanctions in history to drive the regime's oil exports to zero.
• President Trump has kept his promise to deliver a modern and rebalanced trade deal to replace NAFTA called the United States – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA). The USCMA will spur economic growth, create 176,000 jobs, add $68.2 billion to the U.S. economy, and raise wages.
• President Trump withdrew the United States from the flawed Trans-Pacific Partnership.
• President Trump negotiated a new United States-Japan trade deal with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Japan is one of our strongest economic partners and this trade deal builds on that partnership. It is a big win for American farmers, ranchers, workers, and businesses.
• The Trump Administration has protected farmers from unfair trade practices by authorizing $12 billion in aid to the American agricultural heartland under The Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act.
• Repealed the core of Obamacare - the unpopular individual mandate penalty.
• Eliminated the Health Insurance Tax, Medical Devices Tax, and the Cadillac Tax, which were part of Obamacare.
• New insurance options through association health, short -term plans, and health reimbursement arrangements are 60% less expensive.
• Prescription drugs saw their largest annual price decrease in over half a century.
• Signed executive order increasing price and quality transparency on healthcare plans.
• Signed Right To Try legislation to give terminally ill patients access to life saving cures that aren't FDA approved.
• Signed the Support For Patients and Communities Act to fight the opioid epidemic.
• Implemented Most Favored Nation rule to force Big Pharma to give Americans the same low prices other countries receive for prescription drugs. This will result in record low drug prices for Americans who depend on life saving medications.
• Justice Department issues $35 million in grants to 73 organizations nationwide providing assistance to human trafficking victims and survivors during the Covid-19 pandemic.
• In 2018, the DOJ closed down the leading site for sex-trafficking on the internet.
• HHS hotline identified 23,000 survivors of human trafficking in 2018 alone.
• In the last three years, ICE has arrested over 5,000 human traffickers.
• President Trump signed First Step Act, a criminal justice bill which enacted reforms that make our justice system fair and help former inmates successfully return to society.
• Increased funding for historically black colleges and universities (HBCU's) by more than 14 percent.
• President Trump received the Bi-partisan Justice Award at a historically black college for his criminal justice reform accomplishments.
• President Trump called on Congress to pass school choice legislation.
• Issued an executive order prohibiting any discrimination against Christians or punishing expression of faith.
• Signed executive order on advancing international religious freedom.
• Promoted second chance hiring to give former inmates the opportunity to live crime-free lives and find meaningful employment.
• The Department of Education is expanding an initiative that allows individuals in prison to receive Pell grants to better prepare themselves for workforce.
• As a result of the Republican tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.
It would be time consuming for me to list off every single accomplishment but I do encourage you to research all his accomplishments and be amazed.
I will link some helpful links here:
Thank you, President Trump for these four years. The best is yet to come.
Story by Lala Ramirez
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